Employee background check and training issues found during OIG inspection
A recent inspection by the OIG found that a North Texas nursing facility did not consistently comply with requirements for newly hired staff members. Midtowne Meadows Health and Rehab is a skilled nursing facility licensed by the state and must comply with requirements designed to prevent the mistreatment, abuse, neglect or exploitation of a resident, including the misappropriation of a resident's property.
Inspectors reviewed Midtowne Meadows policies and processes for documenting and reporting incidents of abuse, neglect, exploitation and misappropriation. During on-site interviews, staff demonstrated knowledge of protocols and procedures for reporting incidents within required timeframes, including how to do so anonymously.
During a document review, inspectors checked 211 employee records, finding issues with some criminal history checks and orientation training. Specifically:
• Eight pre-employment background checks were conducted using misspelled names or incorrect dates of birth.
• Background checks for 18 employees were conducted after they had been hired, aveaging 90 days late.
• Orientation documents for 168 employees had documentation issues.
Nursing facilities must search the Employee Misconduct Registry and Nurse Aide Registry through the Employability Status Check Search website before an employee is hired to determine if the person applying for employment is listed as unemployable on either registry. In addition, nursing facilities must perform criminal history checks to determine if an individual has a conviction that bars them from employment before the individual has direct contact with a resident.