Recent collaborations strengthen Medicaid accountability
Through 2024, the OIG has been sharing our expertise with personnel from other states and the federal government to help protect program integrity nationwide. On recent contribution involves the Audit and Inspections Division.
Members of the division served as faculty at the Medicaid Integrity Institute's Medicaid Provider Audit and Investigative Skills Symposium. The institute, established by CMS, provides a unique opportunity for states to receive substantive training, technical assistance and support in a structured learning environment.
The symposium highlighted audit and investigation best practices and processes. The faculty comprised representatives from 10 states, including Texas and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Over several sessions, the Texas faculty offered insights on trends in Medicaid, affiliate contracting, subcontracted services and telehealth. They also shared the promising results of the OIG’s recent focus on data analytics as an auditing tool.
Thanks to the success of the Audit and Inspections team’s panel in May, the OIG was invited back to the Medicaid Integrity Institute to serve as faculty at the July Program Integrity in Medicaid Managed Care Symposium, where they shared their experience in managed care program integrity. Staff from the OIG Audit and Inspections, Investigations and Utilization Reviews, and Chief Counsel Division served as educators at the latest symposium.
Through its collaborative initiatives, the OIG can improve its own process and procedures while simultaneously helping to advance the effectiveness of Medicaid program integrity across the country.