Operations Division


Fiscal Analysis and Recovery Management

Fiscal Analysis oversees the OIG operating budget by creating appropriate budget adjustments and monitoring expenditures to ensure funding is available for all OIG programs. FARM works closely with HHSC Central Budget on the LAR/Exceptional Items, operating budget, and Legislative Budget Board performance measures. Recovery Management works closely with all OIG programs, Fiscal Analysis, and ARTS accounting to efficiently process and report OIG provider and MCO recoveries.

Fraud Hotline

The Fraud Hotline receives allegations of FWA and refers as appropriate for further investigation or action.

Program Support and Training

Program Support and Training promotes OIG training services and internal policy development.

Purchasing and Contract Management

Purchasing and Contract Management helps to ensure compliance with purchasing and contracting laws, rules and policies throughout the procurement and contracting lifecycle.

Recovery Coordination and Program Support

Recovery Coordination and Program Support provides support by managing the OIG main line, processing incoming mail, including recoupment checks, and oversees facility management.