February 2022

December 2021


Joint OIG-MFCU Report
The Joint Annual Report on Fraud and Abuse in Medicaid, compiled by OIG and the Attorney General's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, for fiscal year 2021.

November 2021

October 2021

September 2021


Rolling Audit and Inspections Plan
The OIG has updated its Rolling Audit and Inspections Plan, which outlines potential audit and inspections areas and topics.

The OIG Audit and Inspections Division conducts a continuous risk assessment to identify potential topics for inclusion in its Rolling Audit and Inspections Plan. Potential audit and inspections topics consist of programs, services, providers and contractors with an elevated potential for fraud, waste and abuse.

December 2020


Value-Based Purchasing Program Integrity Considerations
Value-based purchasing (VBP) models are utilized in government health insurance programs to shift payments from volume to value. This informational report explores how VBP has evolved nationally, Texas’ implementation and a discussion of potential program integrity challenges and considerations related to the OIG’s future work in this space. Issued December 21, 2020. Summary version.


Joint OIG-MFCU Report
The Joint Annual Report on Fraud and Abuse in Medicaid, compiled by OIG and the Attorney General's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, for fiscal year 2020.

November 2020