Auditors conducted site visits at Houston residential care facility

The OIG conducted site visits at two locations operated by Lighthouse for the Blind of Houston, a facility licensed to provide services to deaf blind with multiple disabilities (DBMD) clients.

The objective of the audit was to determine whether Lighthouse provided a safe, secure and clean residence for clients and whether the provider had appropriately modified its facilities to assist blind or visually impaired people. The OIG selected Lighthouse's facilities for review due to the vulnerability of the seven clients who receive services through the DMBD program.

Auditors determined that both facilities followed almost all applicable requirements, laws, rules, and guidelines for cleanliness, security and proper record keeping. However, one concern for auditors was the lack of carbon monoxide detectors in residents' bedrooms, as required.

Upon delivery of the findings, Lighthouse agreed with the audit recommendations, reporting the missing detectors were in the process of being installed. 

For the complete audit, visit the OIG website.