Report Fraud, Waste or Abuse

If You Suspect Illegal Activity

Report suspected fraud, waste or abuse involving Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) programs by calling the OIG Fraud Hotline at 1-800-436-6184 or online. The OIG investigates incidents involving:

  • Clients enrolled in assistance programs like Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, WIC or CHIP.
  • People or businesses offering goods or services to clients enrolled in a Texas HHS program (such as a retailer, doctor, dentist, therapist, managed care organizations and home or personal care attendants).
  • Abuse, neglect or exploitation of residents of a State Hospital, State Supported Living Center or residential assisted care facility.
  • Improper actions by a State of Texas employee or contractor associated with Texas HHS.
  • The abuse of prescription medications within Texas.
  • Additional concerns about the administration and operation of Texas HHS programs.

If You Discover an Error as a Provider

Providers who discover an error in submitted claims have a responsibility to notify the OIG. To assist in the process the OIG has released a Self-Disclosure Protocol

Why Report?

Everyone has a role in preventing fraud, waste and abuse in our health care system. People who abuse the system harm us all by driving up the cost of care. Safeguarding Texas tax dollars helps ensure the programs can serve the people who need them.

Tips for Reporting

Please provide as much information as possible. Helpful information includes:

  • The date of birth and Social Security number of the person you suspect is getting state benefits they are not entitled to receive.
  • The phone number and address of the person you suspect.
  • If you suspect a provider of wrongdoing, give the name and address of the clinic, office or business they work for.
  • Any other information you think might be helpful to an investigator.

Your Information Remains Confidential

Your identity and contact information will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law.

What Happens Next?

When you submit your referral, you will receive a tracking number. Keep this number handy; you will need to provide it if you have more information to add later.

The OIG is prohibited from providing you with an update on the status of any open investigation.

To report fraud, waste, or abuse in a Texas health and human services program, call the OIG Fraud Hotline at 1-800-436-6184 or use the online reporting tool here.

To report fraud, waste, or abuse regarding the expenditure of other state funds, contact the State Auditor's Office.

Help Us Fight Fraudulent Websites

If you are aware of a fraudulent website targeting HHS recipients or related to HHS programs, please report the concern to the FBI and the Texas Attorney General (referencing that it is a Cybercrimes referral)

Also advise the OIG through our fraud hotline at 1-800-436-6184 or by using the online Report Fraud form.