Few errors found during inspection of DME provider

A recent inspection of durable medical equipment provider Byram Health found the company completed most reviewed order forms correctly and provided the correct items on all tested invoices.

During the inspection, 30 claims from nine managed care organizations were reviewed, with 28 having order forms appropriately completed. The remaining two forms were found to contain at least two errors. Specifically:

  • The client’s record did not contain a practitioner’s order for wound care supplies.
  • The practitioner’s order did not include the requested quantity of supplies.
  • Lacked ordering practitioner’s signature.

The inspection team recommended that Byram could avoid future errors by implementing steps to ensure all records are complete. In response, Byrum indicated it will provide training on properly completing order forms to their verification and customer service teams.

The inspection also reviewed 15 invoices and determined that wound care items purchased for Byram’s Flower Mound distribution center were comparable to those distributed to fulfill the tested Medicaid claims.