Fraud Hotline results released for third quarter

The OIG Fraud Hotline reported 7,615 contacts in the third quarter of fiscal year 2023, subsequently referring 2,555 allegations for further investigation or action to the appropriate OIG division.

The OIG Fraud Hotline allows the public to report suspicious behavior involving a healthcare provider or client who may be abusing Medicaid or other health and human services benefits. When contacting the hotline, users will be asked basic questions to help OIG customer service representatives determine if allegations need to be referred to a preliminary investigation. Callers can remain anonymous if they choose.

Of the 2,555 referrals in the third quarter of the fiscal year, 1,244 involved benefit recipients, 1,131 involved EBT retailers, 134 involved medical providers, 44 involved HHS employees or contractors and 2 involved a state supported living center or state hospital.

Based on the preliminary investigation findings, those cases will ultimately be closed, concluded with a recommendation for education, referred to another agency or entity, or referred for a full-scale investigation.

If you suspect fraud, waste or abuse related to an HHS program, contact the OIG Fraud Hotline at 800-436-6184 or visit