More Texas providers utilizing self-reporting

OIG self-reports in 2020 resulted in settlements totaling $23,507,585.

Medicaid providers are increasingly using the OIG’s self-report process to resolve cases. Self-reports in fiscal year 2020 lead to the resolution of 33 cases; the OIG closed 14 self-reports in fiscal year 2019.

Providers and managed care organizations may use the OIG Fraud Hotline or website at any time to report any compliance or overpayment matters relating to themselves. The OIG considers self-reporting as a potential mitigating factor that may warrant less severe or restrictive administrative action or sanction.

The provider types that utilized the self-report process include clinics, hospitals, home health agencies and mental health rehabilitative services.

The resolved self-reports in 2020 resulted in settlements totaling $23,507,585, a significant increase over the $2,373,450 in settlements the previous year. This year’s self-reports also resulted in the OIG opening 20 individual cases regarding persons who were the subjects of the self-reports.