Investigations and Utilization Reviews Division


The Investigations and Utilization Reviews (IUR) Division protects the integrity of HHS through investigations and reviews regarding HHS programs and systems. This includes oversight of providers, retailers and clients, as well as oversight of HHS system employees through Internal Affairs (IA) and the State Centers Investigative Team (SCIT).

Benefits Program Integrity

Benefits Program Integrity (BPI) investigates allegations of overpayments to health and human services program clients enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program; Medicaid; Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP); and the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program.

Clinical Subject Matter Experts

The Clinical Subject Matter Expert (CSME) team includes a physician, dentist, dental hygienist, and pharmacist who provide clinical expertise to Inspector General staff. The CSME team also communicates with Managed Care Organization (MCO) and Dental Maintenance Organization (DMO) compliance departments to educate and to clarify questions of clinical documentation and policy interpretation.

Medicaid Program Integrity

Provider Investigations

Provider Investigations (PI) investigates allegations of fraud, waste or abuse by Medicaid providers. Some referrals come through the OIG fraud hotline or complaints from the Inspector General’s online Waste, Abuse and Fraud Electronic Referral System. Referrals are also received from the sixteen managed care organizations (MCOs) and three dental maintenance organizations (DMOs) throughout the state.

PI makes referrals to the Attorney General's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (OAG-MFCU) when there are indicators of criminal Medicaid fraud. PI and AG-MFCU work together on joint investigations by sharing resources and information that will lead to successful administrative or criminal prosecution.

IUR conducts provider investigations both at the preliminary level by the Intake Resolution Unit (IRU) and at the full-scale level by the Provider Field Investigations (PFI) staff.

Program Integrity Development and Support

The PIDS team develops and revises PI Intake and Field Investigations Policies and Procedures, acts as a liaison between PI and other OIG areas, state and federal agencies and their contractors, prepares reports related to PI’s activities, and develops and conducts staff training. PIDS acts as liaison to MCO’s Special Investigative Units (SIUs). In collaboration with DAT and Medical Services, PIDS examines and provides preliminary analysis related to provider encounter and claims data and is responsible for storing and managing all evidence related to PI investigations. The team is responsible for conducing deconfliction checks with other investigative or review areas, conducts bill analysis, and coordinates open records requests. PIDS conducts quarterly Fraud Detection Operations (FDOs), contributes to investigative activities on high profile or complex cases, and is responsible for other special projects as needed.

Special Investigations

Electronic Benefit Transfer Trafficking Unit

The EBT Trafficking Unit is comprised of Law Enforcement commissioned and non-commissioned investigators who conduct criminal investigations regarding the Electronic Benefits Transfers misuse. EBT investigates those that intentionally violate provisions related to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Internal Affairs

Internal Affairs investigates FWA, employee misconduct, and contract fraud within the HHS System.

Major Case Unit

The Major Case Unit (MCU) is a team of multidisciplinary experts from the forensic accounting and investigative spaces. The MCU is an apparatus the OIG uses for conducting or assisting in high-profile or high-dollar newsworthy or potentially newsworthy cases and other cases directly assigned by the Chief of Investigations and Reviews or the Inspector General.

State Centers Investigations Team

SCIT is comprised of commissioned law enforcement investigators who conduct criminal investigations of State Supported Living Centers and State Hospitals violations.

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Vendor Monitoring Unit

The WIC Vendor Monitoring Unit (VMU) conducts in-store reviews, compliance buys, and invoice audits to monitor vendors participating in the WIC program.

Surveillance Utilization Review

Hospital Nursing Facility Review and Nursing Facility Utilization Review

The Hospital Utilization Review (HUR) team and Nursing Facility Utilization Review (NFUR) team perform onsite and desk reviews of hospital claims and nursing facility Minimum Data Set forms for appropriate billing.

Lock-In Program

Lock-In Program staff work with managed care organizations to monitor recipient use of prescription medications and acute care services.

Acute Care Surveillance

The Acute Care Surveillance (ACS) team identifies patterns of aberrant billing, performs Surveillance Utilization Reviews required by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and collects Medicaid overpayments.


NFUR stakeholder information

Hospital stakeholder information

Lock-In Program information